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Green Bay Area Public School District









Special Interest and Service Organizations

Special Interest and Service Organizations

Club Advisor(s) Description
 Advisor - Freshman  Class   Organizes and supports class activities
 Advisor - Sophomore

Michelle Maresh

Lindsey Rykal

Organizes and supports class activities
Advisor - Junior Class Alexis Brei Organizes and supports class activities
Advisor - Senior Class

Wendy Kipp

Amy Smejkal

Organizes and supports class activities
Anime Club William Hinz Students coming together to watch, read and discuss various forms of anime.
Art Club Annie Larsen If you love art, this is the club for you!  Students get together to work on various art projects.
Asian Club   Meet to discuss culture, language, difficulties, and community at West.
Book Club Julie Ollman Group that gets together to discuss the current book they've read.
Chess Club Kaiden Schultz Students get together to learn and compete in chess games.
Drama Club Ellie Hinz-Radue 

Students who are interested in theatre and want to get a little more experience in the world of drama are welcome.

FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
Sam Sousek
FBLA helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions (FBLA Competitive Events), leadership development, and educational programs.
FEA (Future Educators Association)

Danielle Scherer

Wendy Kipp

Encourages and informs students who are focused on becoming an educator after high school.
French Club   All about the French! Come and learn about culture, food, and what makes the French such an amazing population!
GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)

Jill Diebold

E-Ben Grisby

Become allies through events, discussion, and open and honest conversations with peers and other adults.

IB Club

Stephane Bielen 

Anders Saulic

The IB club provides academic and program support for students enrolled in the IB Programme, guidance for the CAS portion of their enrollment and serve as a social space to gather and connect with other IB students and staff.
Link Crew Sherman Calloway Open to juniors and seniors through an application and reference system. Older students help younger and new students learn about high school, and orient them in order to be successful.
National Honor Society

Anders Saulic

Stephane Bielen

The purpose of NHS is to provide service, and honor students who have exhibited excellent scholarship, leadership, character, and service to the community. Members must continue to exhibit these  qualities once inducted. Students in the tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grades are eligible for membership.
Native American Club Naomi Brosig For any and all students who identify with, or want to learn more about Native American culture, both here at school and out in the community.
Newspaper (The Purple Parrot) Andy Evenson Online and in print! Come volunteer your talents as a writer, editor, photographer, critic, entrepreneur, or gossiper. All students and abilities are welcome to offer up their skills.
Science Club    Interested in getting together with other people who have a love of the sciences? Together you can do experiments, watch movies, discuss modern marvels, and maybe take a field trip or two!     
Sting Cancer Wendy Kipp Support cancer survivors, raise money for cancer research and provide awareness within the West family.  
Gaming Club Danae Strathmann Students get together to play board games, card games and video games including Super Mario Smash Brothers. 
Yearbook Jill Diebold Gain skills in photography, layout and design, and writing, while staying in-the-know about all things at West! New members are always welcome and can join at any time.