Financial Aid
Seniors! Please check out our Senior Checklist for our main sources of financial aid.
Students may obtain financial aid for college by filling out a FAFSA. FAFSA stands for Free Applications for Federal Student Aid. Filling out and submitting the FAFSA enables students to obtain college loans at a lower interest rate. You will also find out Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) and if you are eligible for any grants.
The FSA ID is needed to sign your FAFSA electronically. You'll need your personal email address, birth date, and social security number. Both Student and Parent need an FSA ID to sign the FAFSA.
These are the 6 necessary things from your and your parents/guardians to submit a FAFSA:
- Social Security Numbers
- Dates (birth, death, marriage, & divorce)
- Most recent W2s and tax returns
- Most recent bank statements
- Amounts of any other income
- Value of any other assets
- FSA ID (to sign electronically)
The Wisconsin Covenant Pledge
The Wisconsin Covenant Pledge is a grant program. Student must have signed the covenant in middle school, promising to maintain a "B" average and do 30 hours of community service. The amount that students may receive is based on their expected family contribution (EFC)- a number that is determined by completing a FAFSA.
NWTC Promise
NWTC Promise
We (NWTC) promise to pay the balance of tuition and course fees for eligible* students after federal/state grants and other scholarships have been applied (for up to six consecutive semesters or until program completion, whichever is first).
*To be Eligible:
- Graduating in the Spring of 2022 from a NWTC District high school
- High school GPA 2.0 or higher (by the end of your Junior year)
- Enroll in a NWTC degree or diploma that is financial aid eligible
- Apply for the FAFSA
- Expected Family Contribution (EFC) less than $3,000
*Please contact the NWTC Financial Aid Office for more information on NWTC Promise*
Wisconsin Tuition Promise
Launching in fall 2023, the Wisconsin Tuition Promise is a new initiative to ensure underserved Wisconsin students can attend any UW System university without paying tuition or fees.
The goal of the program is to increase the number of state residents who graduate with a bachelor’s degree – especially first-generation students and those from low-to-moderate income families throughout Wisconsin – thereby improving individual lives and communities and helping meet the state’s workforce needs.
The Wisconsin Tuition Promise would provide up to four years of tuition and fee funding for students coming from families earning less than $62,000 annually and enrolling at the 12 public universities other than UW-Madison.
The program would be structured to provide “last dollar” financial support after federal and state grant aid is accounted for; as a result, Tuition Promise awards will vary.
Eligible students will be Wisconsin residents, first-time enrollees or transfers, and attending full-time. See Eligibility Requirements below.
Students will be automatically considered for the Wisconsin Tuition Promise when they apply for federal financial aid.
Need help with buying a laptop for college? Some online colleges offer FREE laptops.
Need any advice about completing applications and finding sources of aid? The Fair Opportunity Project can also help!