Phone: (920) 492-2602
Fax: (920) 492-2780
Hours of Operation: 7:15 am - 3:15 pm
Meet our Counselors:
Sarah Schultz
Email Sarah
(920) 492-2763
- IB students in grades 10-12
- Students with last name A-C
Nathan Dillon
Email Nathan
(920) 492-7484
- Students with last name D-L
Rebecca Seehawer
Email Rebecca
(920) 492-7237
- Students with last name M-O
- Students with last name P-R in grades 9-11
- PACE students
Audrey Coppola
Email Audrey
(920) 492-2770
- Students with last name S-Z
- Students with last names P-R in grade 12
Meet our Social Workers:
Karen Brown Schaible
Email Karen
(920) 272-7484
- Students with last name: A-M
Suzanne Kowalczyk
Email Suzanne
(920) 492-2775
- Students with last name: N-Z
School Psychologist
Joe Coleman
Email Joe
(920) 492-2710
Student Services Staff
Crystal, Student Services Secretary
Email Crystal
(920) 492-2602
Kari Petitjean, Registrar
Email Kari
Career Center
Liz Sternig, Career Center Coordinator
Email Liz
School Nurse
Heidi Westrich, RN BSN
Email Heidi
(920) 272-7640