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Green Bay Area Public School District









Bay Link students stand in front of projector screen for group photo.

Thirteen students celebrated their hard work in earning college credits and their CNC certification through the Bay Link Manufacturing® program on May 16, 2024.

Families, friends and local leaders gathered at a ceremony at West High School as the students received a certificate of achievement honoring dedication throughout the program. 

The students that were celebrated are from Preble and West High Schools. 

Bay Link Manufacturing® is a student-managed manufacturing business with the capacity to complete projects for companies in the areas of industrial welding, machine fabrication, and metals.

Students learn real-world employment skills and how to manufacture products efficiently, accurately, and at a competitive cost. 

Learn more about Bay Link Manufacturing® here.

Bay Link students stand in front of projector screen for group photo.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Students clap as classmates receive their certificates.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Bay Link student receiving certificate at a podium with Mr. Andy Belongia.
Teacher Mr. Andy Belongia stands at podium.
Associate Superintendent David Johns stands a the podium and speaks to the crowd.
Principal Dexter McNabb stands a the podium and speaks to the crowd.